Sun City Oro Valley’s (SCOV) solar energy project is now fully operational! The project consists of eight separate solar electric (photovoltaic) systems with a total installed capacity of 426 kilowatts. The solar project is expected to generate over 707,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, which is slightly more than half of the electricity needed by all the SCOV common-area facilities. The facilities that are solar powered are the Views Restaurant, Activity Center, Artisan Center, Welcome Center, Cart Barn and Pro Shop. There are also solar systems at Catalina Vista, Desert Oasis and the Golf Maintenance facility.
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The project was investigated and directed by the Properties Committee over the past three years and received Board approvals at several key stages of the process. SCOV now has a 20-year Solar Services Agreement, which started effective November 1st, with Technology Credit Corporation (TCC), a California company that owns over 300 similar solar projects in 12 states. TCC paid for, and owns the solar systems and will receive monthly payments from SCOV. SCOV payments will be based on the solar energy generated by the systems at a (cents/kWh) rate that will remain the same for 20 years. The fixed rate is currently about 5 percent less than SCOV now pays to the Tucson Electric Power Company (TEP), so saving for SCOV begin immediately.
SCOV partnered with Technicians for Sustainability (TFS), LLC, the largest Tucson-based solar company. TFS designed the systems, managed the permitting and agreements process, and installed the systems. Installation began in May and was completed in October. Going forward TFS is contracted by TCC to monitor the system’s operation, perform maintenance as needed, and provide SCOV with monthly performance reports.
TEP will continue to be SCOV’s electric service company and provide all the electricity needed beyond what the solar systems produces. SCOV has an Interconnection Agreement with TEP for the solar project that was accepted in May 2015 ensuring “net metering” under current favorable terms and conditions. Whenever there is a TEP power outage, the solar systems will not generate power until the TEP power is restored. This is a standard “anti-islanding” design to ensure safety for TEP workman repairing equipment.
First year electricity cost savings for SCOV are expected to be approximately $5,000. Over the 20-year life of the Solar Services Agreement, assuming a 1 and 2 percent TEP annual rate increase, savings are projected to be between $544,000 and $899,000, respectively. SCOV will have the option to purchase the solar systems any time after five years (November 2021). Larger cost savings for SCOV are likely to occur if SCOV opts to buy-out the project and own the systems after year five of operation.
The table below details the solar system size and expected solar energy that will be delivered to SCOV from each of the eight systems. The table also shows the average of the past three years electricity use at each of the facilities from monthly utility bills. Also shown is the percentage of the past energy usage that is expected to be provided by the solar systems.
The systems have a web-based monitoring system that allows nearly real-time viewing of each system’s power output and energy generation. Hourly, daily, and monthly records are stored and accessible for each system. The information that is shown on SCOV’s website is from the solar system’s monitoring system.
Activity Center |
Artisan Center |
The Views Restaurant |
Pro Shop & Cart Barn |
Welcome Center |
Catalina Vista |
Desert Oasis |
Golf Course Maintenance |
t = tons (2,000 pounds)
w = watts
wh = watt-hour
kWh = kilowatt-hour
meter reading = solar energy delivered