Our Friends of the Library (FOL) mission is to provide funds, support, enrichment, & recognition in partnership with our SCOV Library so it may be a primary valued resource to our SCOV community.
All funds raised by or donated to FOL go to our Library for the purchase of printed and audio books & other publications. By becoming a FOL member you will receive admission to Great Reads, first choice for ticketed events sponsored by FOL, and yearly Membership Meeting.
Annual membership is $15 per single, $20 per couple. We also take donations and gift memberships. If you would like to renew your membership or make a donation click here. If you are signing up as a new member, please visit the library, where a library volunteer will be happy to assist you.
Stuck at home? Can’t get to the library due to health or physical issues? We will deliver library items to you! Sign-up forms are available in the library or call Mary at 701-367-6442. You must be an SCOV resident in good standing. If you are not already a library user, we can get you signed up before we start service.
The FOL offers a monthly Book Bingo……….
Book B-I-N-G-O is a fun “cool” reason to get out of the house every third Wednesday of the month from 3:00 – 4:00. Meet in the Welcome Center, Conference Room #3. For a $5 cash donation at the door, you get two playing cards and the chance to win wonderful donated books. BYOB, a snack and friends. All proceeds go to supporting your SCOV Library. Sign-up here or call Sherry Small 520-308-5735.